Whats New
We have expanded and added a new lab, formerly "Sleep Solutions", this lab is located in Clarksville, TN. We now have another location to better serve the needs of our clients.
Thank you,
Recent Events
Sleep Unlimited has recently partnered with several trucking companies in providing testing and treatment services for drivers diagnosed with sleep apnea. We have experience with the ever-changing market and regulations of DOT drivers to help make the process easier and less of a financial strain for those in our transportation work force.
Appointments are scheduled at 8:30pm (unless other arrangements have been made, DAY STUDIES). No one will be at the office prior to this time. You do not need to arrive earlier than your scheduled appointment time. You will typically be ready to leave between 5:30am and 6:00am. If someone else drives you they need to be there by this time. If you would like to schedule an appointment please contact one of our facilities closest to you.
Preparing for your study
If asked, make sure you have completed at least a week long sleep diary (downloadable here), On the day of your study, be sure you have downloaded and filled out all paperwork. Eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. Refrain from alcohol on the day of the study as well as any caffeine intake after 2pm.
What to bring
If you are currently on CPAP, please bring your mask and machine with you.
What not to bring
You may bring a cell phone as well as a laptop computer, however you will be asked to turn them off during the test. Family may contact the lab directly in the event of an emergency. Family members are discouraged from staying with the patient unless approved by the lab manager or in special circumstances such as minor children. Alcohol and illicit drugs are prohibited at the facility.
Instructions for the day of your Test
Patients requiring the services of a caregiver during the night must bring someone with them who can stay throughout the procedure to provide the needed assistance. Please call in advance to inform us if the patient will need assistance.
You must bring something to sleep in (T-shirt and shorts, button up preferred, no one piece nightgowns). Please remember you will not be the only patient here and make sure you dress appropriately. Please do not wear silk, satin, nylon or polyester. These materials cause static and will interfere with the test. Also, bring all toiletry items that you would normally take for an overnight stay (e.g. Pajamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, toiletry items, any medication that you currently take, pillow, ect.).
On the day of your test, do NOT drink or eat anything that contains caffeine (ie. Coke, chocolate, coffee)after 2pm. Eat a full meal before you come in. You are welcome to bring any snacks or drinks for yourself. We will provide your breakfast and lunch ONLY if you are staying for the daytime study. We keep caffeine free coke, diet coke, sprite, coffee, juice and water for all patients.
Do NOT take any naps and come with a clean, dry head of hair and NO MAKE UP. Men need to be clean shaven. The electrodes will not stick to stubble. If you have a beard or mustache, you do not have to shave it off. You may bring your laptop computer, IPADs, or DVDs for your viewing. We also have satellite or cable TV as well. If you have any questions or special needs please feel free to call us in advance.
Bring all medications that you normally take at night and in the morning with you. If you take a sleep aid, you may bring it along with you and take it only AFTER you are safely at our facility. Please inform your technologist when you take your sleep aid as it will affect your sleep time.
Results for all testing will be reported to your physician and will typically be available within 5 working days. Technicians are not authorized to give patients results of testing, so please do not ask them. You may contact the office following your test to inquire about results or schedule an appointment with one of our physicians to review and explain your results. All results will be sent to your referring physician. Please follow-up with them as well to report your experience.
How much is this going to cost me?
Prior to the night of your testing, a representative for the sleep lab will contact you to pre-register you for your testing, verify your insurance coverage and discuss with you your personal financial responsibility for your testing services. This will include:
unmet deductibles
You are expected to pay your personal out-of-pocket expenses prior to your testing. We will help make arrangements for you (e.g. credit card and, if needed, discuss and set up a payment plan with you).
Are there any other charges I may be responsible for?
Yes, there could be. Sleep Unlimited bills for the sleep study and in some locations will also bill your insurance company for the interpretation of that study. At some locations or with some physicians, there is a board certified physician that may bill for the interpretation of your sleep study. They will bill your insurance carrier for these services and you may be responsible for any unpaid portion. This is very similar to when you have an X-Ray. The X-Ray lab charges to take the X-Ray and then the radiologist (a physician) charges to read/interp the X-Ray.
Due to each physician having their own specific billing rates, the sleep lab cannot quote you an exact amount of what you may owe for interpretation services. These services are usually covered by your insurance carrier but are also subject to deductibles, co-insurance and/or co-pay.
What if I have to cancel or re-schedule my test?
Except in instances of extreme emergency, cancellations must be made no later than48 hours prior to testing. Based on your scheduling, we have blocked a bedroom for your occupancy and scheduled a sleep technician to perform your testing. A late cancellation and/or no show, leaves us with an unoccupied bed and staff members that end of up being sent home without their shift pay for the night. Due to increasing frequency of this occurring, we have placed into effect a cancellation fee of $250.00 for those patients who do not give us this courtesy.